August 2013
Hi Everyone!
Pumpkins and Peanuts is very excited to announce the introduction of another product that will hopefully help many parents - Baby's Bath Tea! We all know that sometimes it is difficult to calm a fussy baby. Try relaxing your little one in our Baby's Bath Tea, containing only three simple ingredients: oatmeal, which is know to relieve the itch of rashes and dry, flaky skin, calming chamomile, and soothing calendula. The scent is pleasantly mild because it only comes naturally from the oatmeal and herbs.
As a mom of two boys, it is refreshing to have a bath product for them that does not contain lavender! I love that no scent of any kind has been added. I also love that these bath teas are made of unbleached cotton and do not fall apart when my little boy plays with them in the water!